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Showing posts from February, 2018

Why Local Wood?

The survival of our precious western US forests is in peril. 100 years of management for maximum timber yields leaves us with unhealthy forest structure where fire-resistant large trees have been replaced by torchy small trees and brush, and resilient patchiness and diversity is replaced by tree farm-like homogeneity and monocultural forest stands.  100 years of taking the fire-resistant logs out of the forest and leaving the waste branches, needles, brush, and other small wood has piled fuel deeply on the ground, here in dry climates where rot is too slow to keep up. 100 years of suppression of regular, natural, small fires has left us with a massive build up of fuels, so that when things do finally catch fire, the entire forest is destroyed. Fire suppression efforts in California alone cost us $1.5B a year, and yet we are doubling the amount of burned up acreage every year now, with over a million-acres lost in California alone in 2017. Some people, betrayed again and again